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Summer Confidence Fitness Group

Summer Confidence  Fitness Group
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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

June Spinning

June Spin

1.    Tongue Tied – warm up
2.    Animal – Runs at the tops
3.    Dancing with myself – lower resistence – run longer 45 secs each
4.    Hello – 1,2,3 levels with speed
5.    I wanna be sedated  - Climb with push
6.    Intro – 2 minute heavy hill
7.    Mr. Brightside – Standing run
8.    Let me love you - Rolling hills … pretty simple. Follow the beat. Climb when the music slows down and hit the flats when it speeds up. 
9.    Supermassive - Uphill Surges. Start on a moderate hill and add a little tension on each surge
10.New Day - Settle into a steady climb, adding a bit of tension at each minute interval.
11.Give it UP for Love - Rolling hills
12.Anything Could Happen - uphill Surges. Surge on the choru
13.StarStruck – sprints –
14.Walk This Way – Medium resist – dig in on hill for chorus
15.Sexy and I know it – sprints
16.Moves like jagger – sprints

17.Mirrors cool down 

If you love fitness and motivating others to be healthy, please contact me on joining my team to help end the trend of obesity.  Email me at

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