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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Meal Plan and Workouts

One thing that is NON- negotiable to me is to plan out my meals and workouts.  It is so much easier to know what I going to do for my workout and what I am going to eat each day rather than eating on the fly.  When I don't plan - I always end up over eating or eating JUNK!  This week is a little crazy but I am going to amp up my workouts and be on point with my eating.   The great thing about these programs is that I can go back and use plants from old programs.  This week I am doing a little combo action of 21 Day Fix, Chalean Extreme and 1 day of Insanity at my Fit Club ( Free Workouts) - Every Monday in Avella, PA --  Let me know if you want to come and I'll give you the info :)

Here is my meal plan and workouts scheduled out for the next 7 days.  The 3 day fix  is designed to be a short term thing - high in protein and veggies and a great way to look your best FAST.  Looking great and staying healthy takes a lifetime of commitment and thats what the 21 Day Fix is all about.  Sometimes you need a little OOMPH to your workouts.  Autumn Calabrese the creator of the 21 Day Fix uses this to prepare for her bikini competitions -  if its good enough for her - good enough for me!!

This program is to use as needed but can get you those AFTERS you really need. Since I have the correct portion control containers, its so easy to make sure I am eating the appropriate portions and since I have a personal trainer right in my living room - I know I will be ready for the weekend!

Do you need a kick start for an upcoming event or are you just ready to get in the best shape of your life!??!  Sign up to have ME as your FREE coach at the top of the page!

Kerri <3

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