WHoo HOO!! Christmas is almost here!! Can you believe in 3 weeks it will be December! That is just crazy.
I know this time of year we want short quick results. We don't have time for long or complicated workouts.
So all I'm asking of you is 25 Days for the CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN. I'm by no means perfect and I struggle at all of the same holiday parties that you do. I don't want to just get through the holidays. I want to POWER through and I don't want to lose all the hard work I've been doing.
You can get in the group 3 ways:
1. Purchase the 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack.
The 3-Day Refresh is a scientifically designed program that helps you
fast-track your weight loss, kick-start healthy eating, and get a clean
break from bad nutrition habits. 3-Day Refresh is a simple, straightforward
program that will help cleanse your body and improve the way you feel—
without starving yourself. Unlike juice cleanses or liquid fasts which tend
to be high in sugar and low in protein (leaving you feeling weak, hungry,
and sluggish), this easy-to-follow program helps support your metabolism
while nourishing your vital organs.
For 3 days you’ll follow a program of 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty
of filtered water, plus a wide array of fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy
fats throughout the day to keep your energy and metabolism going.
After 3 days of the Refresh you will continue to drink Shakeology for 1 meal a day.
2. Get on Shakeology Home Direct (HD = get yourself $2 SHIPPING).
So heres the FREE STUFF --- FREE stuff, yeah!
**PS: if you are new to Shakeology and purchase it on HD as my new customer or upgrade to a Club Membership or Coach account on HD, I will send you a $25 gift card that you can use towards your Shakeology purchase or other Beachbody products.
Shakeology® is the most delicious, nutrient-dense, superfood-packed protein shake on the planet. It’s made with the healthy stuff you should be eating every day, but typically don’t. Shakeology’s the perfect combination of proteins, phytonutrients, antioxidants, enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics. Plus, it also contains many rare ingredients, including adaptogens, camu-camu, and maca root—things we can’t get from an ordinary diet. So whether you use Shakeology for weight loss, or drink it to optimize your health, this powerful and delicious shake is Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition®.
3. Order the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack -
The 21 Day Fix program is a unique portion-control system combined with easy-to-follow 30-minute workouts that fit into anyone's busy schedule. Trainer Autumn Calabrese shares her passion for food and fitness as she shows you how to make simple choices that add up to life-changing results
Check into the group page as often as you can. I’m not going to set any daily requirements, but by posting AT LEAST, 3 x’s a week, may just enter you into winning some end of challenge prizes!

Its not crazy complication, its not eating bland and disgusting foods. Its learning to make smart choices, and my secret weapon is Shakeology. I hope that you will try it and it will change you for the better too.
Ok, so you saw GIFT CARD OFFERS and said, “ME ME ME ME”!! Now, on to the REALLY AWESOME PART!
You stay within the 25 Day Challenge period (but it doesn’t’ end there, right?), there’s some prizes in store for the remaining participants! Here’s how staying motivated can win you some MORE:
• When the challenge begins, check in as often as you can. Theres not a daily requirement, but I'd like to see you at least 3 times a week. Check in with us - it will keep you on track, help motivate others, and its F-U-N!

• As I said above, if you become a new Shakeology HD customer, upgrade to or a “discount” Coach account (you’ll need to confirm KERRIBAUER is your Coach via TeamBeachbody.com), I will send you a $25 gift certificate to use ON ANYTHING YOU WANT.... . BUT, you also have to commit to sticking through the challenge to earn it!
• At the end of the 25 Day Challenge period, for anyone still active and successful (you’ve been on Shakeology HD, posted in the group page, pushed play, COMMITED TO YOURSELF FOR 25 DAYS, etc.), I will select 1 winner, AT RANDOM, TO RECEIVE A VERY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT!!!!
Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.
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