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Sunday, August 24, 2014

New Coach Set up

New Coach Set Up

Go to Coach → Coach online office

This is your back office and you will be in here everyday.

GO to My Business → My EFT Mangament (set up so you can get paid)


Start here → How to get started

This is just the copy of what you will see -  Make sure you go from your own page or else you will be linking to my account!

Congratulations! You've made a great decision and are embarking on a life-changing career path. We know it may seem overwhelming, but your Team Beachbody family will be with you every step of the way. Below are some basic activities to help focus your efforts your first days in your new business.
  • Get Out of the Gate with the 7-Day Quick Start
  • The 7-Day Quick Start will get your business up and running as fast and effectively as possible. This important tool will help you:
    • Set realistic goals
    • Find potential customers
    • Learn the basics of starting and running a Challenge Group
    • Track your progress towards becoming the best Coach you can be
  • Connect with Your Coach Basics Group
  • Make sure to reach out to your Upline Diamond Coach to get connected to your Coach Basics Group. Your upline Diamond is listed in the upper left corner of the Coach Online Office homepage.
  • View "Your Profile & Websites" Video
  • Watch this simple training video for easy-to-understand instructions on how to customize your websites. Once set up, you can send customers to your sites and earn commission for your sales.
  • Achieve Success Club
  • Success Club is a point earning system that rewards you for consistent sales activities. Earn Success Clubyour very first month and become part of our Success Starters recognition program. Your reward? An incredible foundation for your business, special rewards, and a call with Beachbody CEO, Carl Daikeler.
  • Stay in Touch
  • Team Beachbody puts all the timeliest information right at your fingertips. Here are some of the many ways you can stay connected:
    • Check out our exciting Coach 411 Facebook Page.
    • Read the information-packed Coach Monthly Newsletter, which is emailed the 1st of every month.
    • Tune in to the National Wake-Up Call every Monday at 8:00 AM PST. The "Wakeup Call" features an all-star line-up of guests and provides inspiration to last the whole week through.
    • Visit the FAQs for instant answers to common questions about Team Beachbody and your Coaching business.

So happy to have you as a part of Team Evolve!

Message me with questions

412 337 3848

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