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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Stop making excuses !

There will always be a reason why you can't workout, eat healthy, or do something for you !  Can you find 1 reason..... Why you should ??

This is a picture of my 84 year old grandma doing insanity !!! I'm not saying she did it all but she sure as heck tried !!! 

When you make it a lifestyle everyone else in your family will follow suit. Often times the moms of the family are the ones that plan and cook the meals. Start making them healthy - look on my blog for other healthy versions of recipes.  Sure you might have some resistance at first but won't it be worth it in the long run.  Be an example for you family!  Start with breakfast and your family will thank you for it!!  Then each week add in a new healthy recipe.  

Step out of your comfort zone -  that's when the change happens !

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