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Summer Confidence Fitness Group

Summer Confidence  Fitness Group
Join me for 30 Days so this summer you can wear anything in your wardrobe with confidence

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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Don't Be a Turkey- Take the 21 Day Challenge

I'm so excited to announce a new support group -- Thanksgiving is just ONE day and on average people eat 4,000 calories on that one day!!  Thats a lot!

3 weeks is the perfect time to start a new HABIT... wait lets make that a LIFESTYLE

I know that for me this has been a game changer - learning to eat proper portions, eating and learning about healthy foods, and combing that with workouts has got me in the best shape of my lift - even after BABY.

Whether you want to lose weight, jump start a new nutrition program, or get results fast - I am inviting you to join this 3 week program.

Its simple, its easy to follow, it actually works and I'm the proof !

Please complete the application below and I will contact you!
Hope to hear from you soon!

It starts November 3 and ends at Thanksgiving!

Can't wait!  ----- Kerri

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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