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Summer Confidence  Fitness Group
Join me for 30 Days so this summer you can wear anything in your wardrobe with confidence

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Sunday, March 29, 2015

30 Day Clean Eating and Fitness Challenge

Its just 1 week from Easter and I am already predicting the amount of candy that my son is going to get. And he’s 1 so he can’t eat half of it anyways, so it ends up in my house and 1 piece turns into 2 and 2 turns into the bottom of the bag.  I’ve been there, ugh.

As Easter approaches, that means summer is right around the corner. We are about 2 months away from Memorial Day.  It has got to be nice by then, if you live in the NorthEast like me, than you have probably been having what feels like the longest Winter ever.  Lets start to THINK SPRING and get ready for summer. I want to LOOK and FEEL my best this summer.  I know that you do too!   

IF you haven’t learned the concepts of CLEAN EATING yet or just need some extra accountability and support then this group is for you.  I can literally feel it in my body each day when I fuel my body with REAL food (read: not processed) and Shakeology.  I  have struggles just like you, not everyday is perfect.  I try to live by these principals everday.  Along, with this and exercising everyday, I feel happier and healthier.  I have more energy, I am a better MOM because I can keep up with m 18 month old, and I am a better wife because I am confident in myself and feeding my family amazing meals I want everyone to have the opportunity to live a healthier and more fulfilling life too!
This group will provide you with daily clean eating tips, motivation, recipes so you do not get bored, and SHAKEOLOGY, a meal you can use EVERY day that is easy and convenient like those the stuff you find at those tempting fast food places or the overpriced lattes, but truly the HEALTHIEST MEAL OF THE DAY!

What Can Shakeology do For you?

  •  Lose weight – especially if you replace a meal with Shakeology every day.
  •   Reduce junk food cravings – drink it in the morning to enjoy this benefit throughout the day
  •   Increase your energy and feel healthier.
  •   Improve your digestion and regularity.
  •   These are some of the things that this has done for me! 

How does Shakeology Work?

  •   Fiber and probiotics help you “get regular” so you eliminate toxins built up in your digestive system.
  •   Proprietary blend of prebiotics and probiotics help create a healthy intestinal tract which aids digestion.
  •   A healthier digestive system makes it easier to absorb key nutrients.
  •   Digestive enzymes also help your body to increase the absorption of nutrients.

One thing people get confused about, and who can blame them, is that - Shakeology is NOT a weight loss shake, nor a protein shake. This is a HEALTH shake that is including your dense nutrition, health benefits, and includes your daily multi-vitamin!

There is nothing else like this out there.  Many try. But none compare.  It tastes like a milkshake so it seems like you're getting dessert. Score!
Trust me…you can’t get this in anything else – plus it tastes like a dessert!!
The Challenge Group - The Details!
My Post Easter Detox group is clean eating and Shakeology challenge is just that! You will get 30 Days of support, motivation, tips, recipes, and be surrounded by a group of people who have the same or similar goes as you! I can’t promise that it will be easy but I can promise that if you stick with it, commit and keep pushing, you will get the results you’re looking for!

How would you like to have FREE access to 11 Beachbody programs as well as sneak peaks into the latest and greatest without having to buy any DVDs or make any additional financial commitment? Well its all yours! If you upgrade to a club membership you will get a FREE 30-day trial which includes access to Beachbody’s On Demand feature released this month! You can see the full details here but HERE but this is such a fabulous way to dabble with all of the trainers in a variety of programs before committing! Your initial payment of $38.87 occurs in 30 days and continues every 90-days, as long as you continue your Premium Club. If you decide its not for you – just cancel – no questions asked!

 So, if you are ready and want to be a member of this exclusive group. Please complete the application below. These groups are kept small and personal so I can personally help YOU along your journey and complete this 30 day challenge!

Fill out my online form.
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