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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

5 Day Cleaning Eating Crock Pot Meals

Free grocery list, FREE recipes, FREE support and motivation.

If you are a mom like me or if you are working or just plain busy you know that crock pot meals can literally save your life!  I try to eat as clean as possible 80/20 right.  I developed these meals with my family's approval which includes an 18 month old son and snack lover husband.

Why do it? One week of putting real whole food in your body can change everything. Your mood, Your aches and pains, Your sleep habits, your outlook on life.  Spend 5 days with my while I teach you the basics of clean eating and some yummy clean recipes to add to your recipe rotation.  I think you are all capable of eating clean for one week. I also think the way you feel at the end of the week will blow your mind.
If you are planning to change your lifestyle in 2015, this is the perfect first step. Life is all about balance.

 I've decided it's time for another FREE clean eating focus group!! You IN? 

5 day this time and it is FREE! Can't beat that price, eh? 

I will be providing a complete "Crockpot" meal plan (easy to follow and delicious!) I'll include the ingreident list up front so you can go shopping.
It'll also include: 

•Daily motivation/check-in 
•My tips on workouts and meal plans
•Support from the group and other people with the same struggles as you!
•My favorite healthy snacks

Please send me a message at and I will add you to the group. 

Thank you!

Can't wait to have you



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