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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Piyo Review Week 1

MI finally got my hands on PiYo after finishing 2 rounds of the 21 day fix.  Let me just say that I have not always been a yoga or Pilates fan.  My thoughts have always been that it wasn't hard enough or I wasn't getting a good enough workout.  

I love Chalene Johnson ever since I did TurboJam years ago!
PiYo is totally different than any type of yoga or Pilates!  This is hard core, muscle building, strength and stretching all packed into 40 minutes or less.  

Today I did the Sweat workout which was 35 minutes.  It mixes in push-ups, burpees, and static leg movements.  I felt so refreshed at the end of this workout with the stretching!  I feel longer and leaner already especially in my core with the mix of down dogs and low lunges.  

Don't mind my pjs the benefit of working out at home !! 

If you're looking to mix up your workout and get centered with your body this could be the workout for you.

Message me for more info.

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