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Friday, September 12, 2014

Why You Should Workout In the Morning

Why You Should Workout In the Morning:

  • Kickstart Metabolism – Your body burns calories during and after exercise, especially when resistance training is involved. Could there be a better time than before you have a days worth of food? 
  • Clear your mind – Use your morning workouts as a time to set your intentions for the day, clear your mind, and set your strategy for the days tasks. By the time you're at work, your mind is set!
  • Increase productivity – The energy you gain from a morning workout will mean you're ready to tackle your day when you're done and not have to "wake up" before you can get anything done. Plus, morning exercisers often  meaning there’s more time to cross items off your to-do list.
  • More time for fun – Without the thought of “I have to work out” playing in the back of your mind, morning workouts actually free up time for you to do other things you enjoy. Want to catch a movie? Go shopping with friends? Cook a fancy dinner for your sweetie? You’ll feel less guilty and able to enjoy them if you know, your workout is already done.  
  • Eat clean all day long – By working out first thing in the morning, you have already said for the day that your health is important!  This can have a huge impact on your food choices throughout the day.  This can have a lasting effect all day, making you not stop at the vending machine.

If you need someone to hold you accountable to your workouts, please email me to have me as your FREE coach at

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