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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

21 Day Fix Taco Salad

I LOVE Mexican Food!!  This is a healthy take on a classic recipe.

I cooked 1 lb of the ground turkey meat with 1/4 diced onion.  After the meat was done cooking, I added in 1/2 diced yellow pepper.  When warmed I poured over a bed of lettuce with chopped  tomato. Last, I added the blue container of avocado and cheese.  A sprinkle of hot sauce was just enough "dressing."  If you wanted a yellow, you could add tortilla chips for an extra crunch!

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2 Green:  Lettuce, yellow peppers, tomato, onions

Red: Ground Turkey Meat

Blue:  Avocado/ Cheese

Free: Hot Sauce!


Coach Kerri

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