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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Fitness in the Second Trimester

Yay for the second trimester or the "Golden Trimester" as many people call it!  So, if you haven't been exercising yet then hopefully you are feeling better and lets get to it!  

Im currently 17 weeks! I cant believe it!  This pregnancy is flying by. It must be because I'm chasing a little one now!  I can happily report that I feel great. I have to attribute that to a healthy diet and exercise.  I'm not perfect, I have treats and snacks too!  I just try to get it right 80% of the time. Lots of people have been asking me what I've been doing to stay active and feel great. Heres a little peek in my window. If you have any questions, please ask!  

Whats on the Menu:

Safe Exercises:

The goals of exercising when pregnant are:

  • prepare your body for labor and delivery
  • Feel happier - get those endorphin going! 
  • Maintain good posture and a strong back to balance your growing belly
  • Keeps your body active and easier to return to pre-pregnancy weight
  • Many report an easier labor, delivery, and recovery
Exercises goes together with good food so whats on the menu this week! 

Bridge and advanced Bridge
great move for anyone!  If your doctor told you to avoid laying on your back or this makes you uncomfortable - skip it.

Primary muscle: Gluteal muscles and Hamstrings are primarily benefited
Secondary muscle: Abs & Obliques, Middle & Lower Back / Lats are the secondarily affected muscles.
safe pregnancy ab work to avoid diastasis recti 

Sumo Squat to High Pull – Stand with legs wide and toes slightly turned out, holding a dumbbell in each hand or a barbell down in front of you. Lower down into a squat and as you come back to the top, pull the weight/weights up toward your chin by bending your elbows out to the sides. Lower weight to start and repeat. 

 Reverse Lunges and forward jabs and high kicks 

Or just walk. Just keep moving!!  It will make delivery and recovery so much easier. I was feeling good and got 3 miles in.  

Planks are a type of yoga pose that exercises the core muscles, specifically targeting the abdominals. Resistance training, such as the plank pose, is not only a safe way to stay in shape during pregnancy, but also can help reduce the aches and pains associated with pregnancy.  Your body must maintain a straight line. Keep your hands directly below your shoulders, and hold each pose for up to two breaths.

 Maintaining a regular exercise routine throughout your pregnancy can help you stay healthy and feel your best. It can also improve your posture and decrease some common discomforts like backaches and fatigue. Having a backache was one of my pregnancy woes so Im hopeful that exercise helps to elimiate that this time around.  Science has show that is can  prevent gestational diabetes, relieve stress, and build more endurance that is needed for labor and delivery.

If you were physically active before your pregnancy, you should be able to continue your activity in moderation. Don't try to exercise at your former level; instead, do what's most comfortable for you now.  I usually judge by this. If it doesn't feel right, than I don't do it.  In my at home workouts, I follow the modifier, or at classes, I avoid jumping and high impact moves.  Some doctors say to avoid letting your heart beat get above 140 BPM but others say to judge by the talk test. Talk test - you never get so worked up that you can't speak.  

If you have never exercised regularly before, you can safely begin an exercise program during pregnancy after consulting with your doctor. It is not recommended to have a new strenuous or hardcore activity.  Most medical providers say that 30 minutes most day of the week is permitted.  

Exercise gives me energy through my pregnancy and also to keep up with my little one year old!  When we “press play” on our workouts, yes- we are being loving to our bodies, yes we are giving ourselves what we need to have the energy and endurance to keep up with our children, yes we are supporting our bodies to get back into our pre-pregnancy weight in a healthy way… and those are all excellent reasons to workout, but here’s the winner for me….
our choices for our own wellness have had a positive impact on our children! 

*Check with your Doc to make sure you are cleared to exercise during your pregnancy*
(You may go through a period where you need to take it easy but after a few days or weeks you can get moving again)

  • Aim for 30-60 minutes everyday, you can walk or do a program. I prefer to do a combination of an at home program because then it tells me what to do and I dont skip
  • Aim for strength based programs and exercise 2-4 times/week. I really like the 21 day fix (upper fix, lower fix, and the PiYo program)  Ask me if you want to try any of these.  
  • Drink LOTS of water. Goal is AT LEAST half your body weight in water everyday. Carry a water bottle. Buy a cute one and carry it everywhere.  
  • Wear layers so you can easily remove outer ones when you get warm
  • Try to avoid getting too overheated. 
  • Wear good supportive tennis shoes
  • Remember, your body is changing and things may feel different week to week. Listen to your body.
Every pregnancy is different, please consult your doctor before incorporating any new exercise programs.

Last of all ---  do you need help, support, motivation from someone who has been where you are? I can be your coach.  Message me to get started.  



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