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Summer Confidence Fitness Group

Summer Confidence  Fitness Group
Join me for 30 Days so this summer you can wear anything in your wardrobe with confidence

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3 day refresh

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Pesto Tomato Quinoa Pasta


1 box of quinoa noodles (cook to directions)

Drain and add
2-3 tablespoons of basil pesto
1 can on diced tomatoes or sliced fresh ones to taste
1 handful of fresh mozzarella 

Mix all together and enjoy
Serves about 4

#pasta #pesto #healthy #fresh

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

HIIT workout

Hi Friends -  HIIT is one of my FAVORITE type of workouts.  The fast paced, the breaks, the time seems to fly by and Im a sweaty mess.  Here is a recent class I taught, everyone said it was very hard and fun!  I did modify this as I am 22 weeks pregnant but it was still lots of fun!

Equipment needed:

Light and Heavy Weights (I used 5 and 8lb hand weights)

Time: Approx 45 minutes to complete
Take 1 minute break between sets

1.  Burpees
Jumping Jacks
 20 Seconds on/ 10 seconds rest
4 minutes

2.  Plank with a row (heavy weights)
Reverse lunges (heavy weights)
30 seconds each/ Repeat 4 x
4 minutes

3.  Standing sprints
Jumping  side to side leaps
20 seconds on /10 seconds rest
4 minutes

4.  Switch kicks
Bicep curl into overhead press (light or heavy weights)
20 seconds on/10 seconds rest
4 minutes

5.  Jump squats into push ups
Mountain climbers
20 seconds on/10 seconds rest
4 minutes

6.  Squat pulse with heavy weights 
Plank with leg lifts
30 seconds each
4x through
4 minutes

7.  Tricep dips
Switch kicks
20 seconds on /10 second rest
4 minutes

8.  Bicycle crunches
V Sit
Side plank dips
Reverse crunches
30 seconds each no rest

2X  8 minutes

Hope you got your sweat on!  Let me know if you loved it!

Coach Kerri 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Blueberry Muffins

Total Time: 24 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 14 min.
Yield: 15 servings, 1 muffin each

Nonstick cooking spray (optional)
1 cup whole wheat flour
¾ cup + 2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
¼ cup wheat germ
1½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. fine sea salt
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
2 large eggs
½ cup pure maple syrup
1 cup low-fat buttermilk
¼ cup coconut oil, melted
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1½ cups fresh blueberries

1. Preheat oven to 375° F.
2. Prepare 15 muffin cups by lining with muffin papers or coating with spray.
3. Combine flours, wheat germ, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon in a medium bowl; mix well. Set aside.
4. Combine eggs and maple syrup in a medium bowl; whisk to blend.
5. Add buttermilk, oil, and extract; whisk to blend.
6. Add flour mixture to egg mixture; mix until just blended.
7. Gently fold in blueberries.
8. Divide batter among 15 prepared muffin cups.
9. Bake 13 to 14 minutes, or until golden brown and tester inserted into the center comes out clean.
10. Transfer muffins to rack; cool.

Monday, June 8, 2015

7 Dinner Ideas With Recipes

Good morning friends !

I've been working really hard at planning my meals.  For one, it makes my day easier if I know what I'm having-  hey I'm pregnant and food is really important to me right now ;)  Here is what my family is having for dinner this week.

Breakfast - we have oatmeal or eggs everyday along with my Shakeology

Lunch - Salads or turkey sandwiches or even better LEFTOVERS!

Snacks - I bought a ton of fruit and made a huge fruit salad, I always have my homemade granola balls on hand, some rice cakes and yogurt and that should cover my snacks.

Now on the main event -  DINNER

Here is what I'm having with links to the recipes.  I hope you enjoy.

A Fit Prego’s Guide to Healthy Dinners

Grilled Chicken and Quinoa and Black Bean Salad



 Homemade Pizza dough with grilled chicken and mixed veggies


 Chicken Sausage with mixed veggies

 Penne pasta with homemade turkey meatballs and spaghetti sauce

Make it a double and have some for lunch the next day!  Heres to a healthy pregnancy for you and your bundle of joy!

Let me know if you try it and if you like it :)


Coach Kerri

Sunday, June 7, 2015


In case you haven't heard, there is a 21 Day Fix COOKBOOK coming out next month!  AH!  Going to be SO awesome.  I got a sneak peek and this quinoa salad was in there and I was headed to a BBQ and knew I had to make this.  I went back for seconds and it was GONE.  This is a hit!

SERVES: 12 (1 cup each) Prep Time: 30 min. Cooking Time: 12 min.



1⁄3 cup fresh lime juice
1 Tbsp. ground cumin
1 Tbsp. sea salt (or Himalayan salt)
1⁄3 cup olive oil
2 cans black beans, (15-oz. ea.) drained, rinsed
4½ tsp. red wine vinegar
Ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
4 cups water
2 cups dry quinoa, rinsed
1 medium red bell pepper, finely chopped
1 medium orange bell pepper, finely chopped
1 medium yellow bell pepper, finely chopped
1 (10-oz.) bag frozen corn, thawed
1 bunch fresh cilantro, finely chopped

1. Combine lime juice, cumin, and salt in a medium bowl; whisk to blend.
2. Slowly add oil, while whisking constantly. Set aside.
3. Combine beans, vinegar, and pepper (if desired) in a medium bowl; mix well. Set aside.
4. Bring water to a boil in medium saucepan over high heat.
5. Add quinoa. Reduce heat to medium-low; cook, covered, for 10 to 12 minutes, or until all water has been absorbed. Remove from heat. Cool for 15 to 30 minutes. Set aside.
6. Place cooled quinoa in a large bowl. Fluff with a fork.
7. Add bell peppers, corn, cilantro, bean mixture, and dressing; toss gently to blend.

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION (per serving): Calories: 261 Total Fat: 8 g Saturated Fat: 1 g Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: 578 mg Carbohydrates: 38 g Fiber: 8 g Sugars: 2 g Protein: 10 g

Sunday, May 31, 2015

3 Day Refresh & 30 Days of Clean Eating

Now that the Memorial Day is behind us, another holiday is history and we are officially into the  summer its time to give ourselves a little detailed scrub down!!!  Lets face it, no matter how healthy we think we eat, how much we think we exercise, there is always room for improvement!  Everytime I challenge myself to keep track of my food, to intensify my workouts I notice big jumps in my fitness, my energy level and overall how I feel each day.  I know personally its easy to get off track.  It starts with ice cream here and a cookie there, a few cocktails with friends and pretty soon all your hard work during the week is gone!!
 All the working out in the world isn't going to take away that bloated & sluggish feeling you get when you over eat!  I know this because I have totally been there!! Many times.  I hate that feeling leaving the table or a restaurant feeling so bloated.  I'm so happy that there is a program that is fast and easy to kick start healthy eating.  
3 Day Refresh Support and Accountability to change your lifestyle

How about we kick off June with the brand new 3-Day Refresh Program and incorporate that into a 30 day clean eating & shakeology group! YES!  This is perfect!  Ok so why is it perfect you might ask?!
Clean eating and Shakeology Support Group

So the 3 day refresh is designed to give you fast, clean, and efficient weight loss.  You can quickly drop a few pounds, break a bad habit and get back on track!  It's 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty of water, fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy fats so that you keep your energy and  your metabolism going.  It is not a juice or fasting diet but a healthy diet that is going to give your body nutrition vs starvation.  
3 day refresh support and accountability group
3 day Refresh Breakdown

Then, once we jump start our weight loss clear out the gunk we can preserve our results and not slide back into old habits by continuing on for 30 days of clean eating!  So my thought process is this.  I don't want you to do the 3 day refresh and just go back to how it was before you started.  I want you to maintain and make progress.  So for 30 days I am going to teach you how to meal plan, how to prepare family friendly healthy recipes, give you snack ideas, teach you the importance of proper nutrition, the fundamentals of clean eating and how to fuel your body for energy and not comfort.  

So how does this work?  Well if I am not your Team Beachbody Coach then you would make me your coach.    You are required to purchase the 3-day refresh challenge pack from me as your coach.  Then, you will be added to the group that starts June 15th.  
We will start with the 3 Day Refresh then 30 days of replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology, healthy eating and any exercise of your choice.  It does not have to be a Beachbody Fitness Program, although I encourage you to do some form of physical activity for 30 minutes a day 5 days a week!  :) You also get 30 days of Beachbody On Demand FREE, so this is a perfect pairing of clean eating and fitness!!  Thats HUNDREDS of beachbody programs, think P90X, 21 Day Fix, PiYo, all for your sampling for 30 days!!

Each day you will log into the group for your tip of the day, daily motivation, inspiration and accountability. I will share recipes along with ways to handle late night munchies, sugar cravings, emotional eating, temptations and more.  You will be accountable each day to report with the group your food and your workouts!  

At the end of the 30 days we will measure our progress, submit our results and in 30 days you will have kicked bad habits, introduced new healthy habits and be on your way to creating life long health and wellness for you and your family!

Does this sound like something you would like to do? 

 If so, join me my completing the application below.

Then, create a free account so that I am your Team Beachbody Coach.
Free Team Beachbody Account, 3Day Refresh, 30 Day Clean Eating & Shakeology Support Group

If you are anxious to get started then purchase your 3-day refresh challenge pack here and make sure to message me and I will add you to the group and get you up and running!  
3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack

Either way, the cut off for registration is Wednesday June 9th!  So don't wait until the last minute or you might miss an opportunity to truly transform your health and feel your best this summer!  That will give you enough time to order, get it in the mail, and grocery shop!!  

Stop saying tomorrow, stop putting off the small changes because you never know what tomorrow will bring!  You only have today, your health, your choices and this 1 life! It's so precious and I can't say enough about how important it is to take care of what we have!  
So whether you need a total overhaul or just a few tweaks now is your time!  From woman to woman, mom to mom, business owner to business owner trust me YOU have TIME to put yourself FIRST for 30 minutes each day!  

Email me here or facebook message me HERE to secure your spot!! 


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

21 Day Fix Taco Salad

I LOVE Mexican Food!!  This is a healthy take on a classic recipe.

I cooked 1 lb of the ground turkey meat with 1/4 diced onion.  After the meat was done cooking, I added in 1/2 diced yellow pepper.  When warmed I poured over a bed of lettuce with chopped  tomato. Last, I added the blue container of avocado and cheese.  A sprinkle of hot sauce was just enough "dressing."  If you wanted a yellow, you could add tortilla chips for an extra crunch!

Need more recipes or support/accountability.  Message me to get in my next challenge group.

Add me on FB at

2 Green:  Lettuce, yellow peppers, tomato, onions

Red: Ground Turkey Meat

Blue:  Avocado/ Cheese

Free: Hot Sauce!


Coach Kerri